Antique Connection Mall
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87123
Retail location is NOW CLOSED
But the Morning Glory Jewelry web site is still open!


     The Victorians had beautifully fashioned implements for every need. Their toiletry sets came in sterling, ebony, ivory and celluloid and they were decorative as well as useful.

   Many of their wonderful items would be useable today, but one tool for which we would have little use it the button hook.

 In spite of that fact, many collectors find them irresistible with their elaborate handles and interesting designs.

Button Hooks



  CATALOGUE Daniel Low & Co 1901
Showing "Floral Toilet Sets" in sterling, including mirrors, brushes, combs, nail files and button hooks priced from $1.00 to $10.75 each.

 Lovely lady wearing elbow length gloves.

CATALOGUE  Daniel Low & Co 1901 
Showing "Ebony Toilet Articles with Silver Mountings"


  STERLING matched vanity set including 5" scraper, 7-1/3" button hook, 6-3/4" file and 7" brush, circa 1890.   View 

    TWISTED sterling handled steel blade set of button hook and shoe horn in red leatherette case, each 6-3/4". (Missing from the set is a matching glove hook.) Circa 1920.   View   Handles   Hallmarks



Hooks were sold in sizes appropriate for both glove and shoe buttons. In the early 1880s a sewing machine used to attach buttons to high top shoes was invented. Shoe buttons themselves were usually made of fiber or glass.

When World War I made leather scarce, high top shoes went out of fashion taking button hooks along with them. 

HOOKS 6-3/4" button hook and 2-1/2" glove hook  

   For more information about the inventor and manufacturer of buttons, CLICK HERE

    GLOVE HOOK sterling handled with ornate design, 2-1/2".     


 Both glove and shoe button hooks were used in the same manner, and both require a bit of coordination to use.

Ladies kid gloves fit snuggly, and came in wrist, elbow and full length. Each length was appropriate for a particular outfit and event.

  GLOVE hook with ladies kid glove.   View


GLOVE hook with ladies kid glove.


CATALOGUE Unger Brothers 1904.  View

  UNGER Brothers catalogue, 1904, showing their selection of button hooks.

CATALOGUE Daniel Low & Co 1901
"Floral Toilet Sets", including mirrors, brushes, combs, nail files and button hooks priced from $10.75 to 1.00 each.




   STERLING handled button hook with purple rhinestone tip, 6".   View   View  #a51009

    STERLING aesthetic pocket knife style double glove and button hook, 2-1/3" closed, 4" open.  View   #51010

STERLING floral handled button hook, 6-1/2".   View   #a51008    


CATALOGUE Daniel Low & Co 1901
Showing several styles of button and glove hooks.

    CATALOGUE Daniel Low & Co 1901
Showing several styles of button and glove hooks.

  SET Unger Brothers 1904


HOOKS, top to bottom:
plastic handle, 5-1/4"
celluloid handle, 6-1/2"
celluloid handle, marked "La Reine", 7-1/2"
celluloid handle, 6-1/3"
 plastic handle with gold design, 7"
with plastic handle marked "Acwalite", 8-1/4"

All circa 1920



    HOOK for shoe buttons with black plastic handle, 7-1/4".

    HOOK for gloves with laminated handle, 3-3/4".    Closer View

black plastic handle, 7-1/4"
with laminated handle, 3-3/4" 


HOOK with plastic handle marked "Acwalite", 8-1/4".

ADVERTISING shoe button hooks, , top to bottom
"Hammersmiths- Galveston- Houston", 5-1/8"
"Givens Bros Shoe Co, 16 stores"
"John Wanamaker, New York", 5-1/3"

  HOOK plastic handle with gold design, 7".


   ADVERTISING "John Wanamaker, New York", 5-1/3".

  ADVERTISING "Givens Bros Shoe Co, 16 stores".

ADVERTISING "Hammersmiths- Galveston- Houston", 5-1/8". 





BOND STREET spats advertising button hook.  #a50678 





Turn-of-the-century Mesh Purses
Victorian Calling Cards
Button Hooks
Vintage Children's Things



Valuing your Antiques
Victorian Timeline
Victorian Jewelry